Wow Mando showed Scorsese pretty quick. Look ma its cinema and he’s a super hero. The timing, the realism, the thrill of the rhythmic action was unsurpassed in stylistic drama, frozen in the wrath of duty and substance. Behold. Here is the truth, the way. I have spoken! I was wrong to of ignored it; the absolute rebirth of my kind will begin now because I care for you! It is simply the best action series ever produced, lucky for us it also occurs during a constitutional crisis at the hands of both parties.
I admit I may have a bias to westerns having grown up wanting to be John Wayne. I may punch you to teach you a lesson because it’s a debt you have to pay to justice; our justice as human beings. There is my moral compass, I would gladly give you my other cheek and refrain from fighting you but when you hurt others, there I am reigniting “the way” from our true founding. Yet in real life; the fantasy of truth is lost when not summarily described. While the writers of fiction are within their right and even duty to keep things simple for the audience to understand and relate to, the halls of congress should be void of such vague complacency. The impeachment hearings of 2019 were an insult to our intelligence and moral standing; such obvious articles of impeachment, ignoring at least a dozen or so others. Perhaps the standard set by the impeachment of Clinton lowered the political bar to accepting a political showcase to persuade voters. Just like the Mandalorians, once an enemy of Jedis must have forgotten true honor yet now have a righteous champion taken to the brink of diplomatic standing. The empire holdouts want to take the child’s power or kill it because the truth takes work, in the midst of a corrupt order. Turning on corruption forces the collapse of the Mandalorians. Their race scattered for a pure saving grace; protecting the most powerful Jedi yet seen… a 50-year-old baby.
The current political state of my beloved United States of America is a travesty to Franklyn and Paine. Nothing less than the most articles of impeachment necessary to cover all the violations of the law must be pursued in order for us to have a just republic on paper. Narrowing the focus to two obvious summarizing charges, broadly encompassing obstruction of congress and abuse of power, is a lazy endeavor when at the very least a detailed summary of violations should be chronicled by congress. Though the details are pretty much laid out in commentary I’m sure it wouldn’t take too much effort to list all of Trumps infractions and likely illegal actions. One merely needs to study every day of the presidency picking out the news or occurrences as they happened or when they were found out. There is no need for endless debate and reasoning when the facts are outlined for us. The facts of his speech, his conduct, the accusations, and the Mueller report’s findings are plain to see. All possible impeachable actions must be written down and voted for or against in congress. Whether or not enough evidence is presented and or examined is for the representative or senator to decide for himself and the investigation should remain ongoing nonetheless. Congress is not a court room; it is the law. The way. For republicans to continue to ignore law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and government employees speaking out for justice is to ignore our definition as Americans. How dare the republicans’ debate and make the case that the president is allowed to take up justice (investigating through foreign governments) on his own without even the knowledge of intelligence agencies? It is treasonous insurrection to attack our law enforcement and intelligence officials or ignore their findings repeatedly for corrupt intent.
November’s impeachment hearings were an insult to our collective intelligence; because the idea that something so obvious needs to be laid bare is legislative redundancy and inadequacy. These hearings do on the other hand expose the callus mendacity and obfuscation of Republicans stooping so low as to nitpick such fundamental charges; the presumption of which further delays our understanding of the full account. The only way to undo and purge this nation from the lawless betrayals of the president is to clearly detail all the wrong doings and write new laws protecting us from similar offenses and indiscretions moving forward. The first of these new laws should allow for presidents to be indicted publicly and if there are no sealed indictments against this president then our law enforcement agencies have failed us. In deed only with seal indictments could true justice in retrospect be restored. Pundits on TV, relishing in how politically advantageous the decision for only these two articles is, are ironically living in an obtuse fantasy world. It’s scary to think that the democrats have made it so easy that a group of republican senators could turn on Trump and usher in 20 years of conservative policy through their leadership if they do; no doubt with flowery rhetoric calling out finer points that people could digest, while ignoring the work for truth and justice based on reason; a method laid out in Paine’s vision of how congress should have been. They step away from monumental opinions and basic needs that champion causes and efforts to form laws based on data. Let the debates and endless arguments be in service of detailed improvements moving forward not ulterior motives and petty crimes. List the charges and vote!
Congress needs to take the time to relate to the human condition and its sensibilities in the face of such monumental mendacity. Funny how this can compare to the nature of cinema Scorsese spoke of. The Mandalorian was cinematic from start to finish. Every moment was a detailed account of how the mains characters felt and the actions on screen gripping us with fact-based intensity. While some of the composition could have gone further in placing the action note how the end credits were over sketched storyboards. Epic thrill charted to iconic music expertly composed. The recent Star Wars film had several scenes that met this standard of sensibility but overall it went for the roller coaster ride, playing to short attention spans, cramming in vital character arcs and plots points yet; who would want to see a five hour film flushing out the subtly of the force and its phycological implications? I know I would. Lord of the Rings tried to embrace such accurate depictions of consequences in three parts but failed on physical levels, ignoring several sciences including cinematic timing; obscuring real time action for splashy takes and quick cuts. Every frame should paint a picture, and perhaps every moment on impeachment in congress should as well, abstaining from nonsensical lawyerly run around.
Somewhere along the line we’ve forgotten how sacred our laws are when even the president admits to crimes in public to deaden the effect of judicial exposure, Giuliani almost did as much while in Ukraine as if taunting the media, casting the first stone towards accepting foreign entanglements despite being at the core of our fore fathers concerns regarding the usurpation of power by the commander in chief. Patrick Henry in fact for this specific infraction called for an active militia to serve as an outlet for the people to use to guard against any such tyrannical rule that would hinder rights. Sound familiar? While we aren’t and probably never will be at such a stage of violence, ignoring the subject’s actions merely enables future culprits. Strong anti-corruption statues are what sets us apart as democratic republics.
The Mandalorian is so incredibly timely not only because of the brilliantly written cannon and expanded universe but because it’s something we all need now, desperately. A good time blowing off steam with talent, epic courage and masterful skill. A lone warrior inspires his people to rise up ethically, abandoning their history of corrupt militancy. Where are our democrat leaders? Are they ignoring the trouncing the labor party just got in England? Not even trying to find some common ground while missing essential buzz words and phrases? You save more with single payer and you get to pick any doctor you want. Have you ever heard our New England Senators say those phrases? Why aren’t they being marketed? Also, Warren and Sanders should embrace a “private option” which likely would still exist even if their plans were enacted but they need to say it. They need to do some proper public relations and the DNC should focus more on protest than rallies. Demonstrations outside McConnell’s and Graham’s offices? The candidates and the DNC need to work with groups like “indivisible” and “BLM” targeting wrong doers urging them to change their approach toward important matters, especially impeachment. The time for the way is now. Who is our Mandalorian to lead the way?