Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Constitution "I Know This Much is True"


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States blah blah blah. The words seem now defiled, hallow, and disallowed amongst the strangle hold of a corruption paired with a disregard for truth and political norms. Without a comprehensive all-encompassing focus on corruption as the root of all this nation’s ills we can never be whole enough to continue the path set forth by our preamble; carved in stone like a beacon for the world.

Pundits, who we are altogether hearing too much of in the face of such daunting travesties and abnormalities as opposed to investigative reports and details, suggested the republican party insanity began with Newt Gingrich’s contract on America instead of the proverbial “Game Change”-r Sarah Palin. This turn toward a new era of American propaganda is ultimately an intentional distraction from corruption. It has now spawned into a conspiratorial cult, deaf to nuance and blind to responsible journalism mired in complexity without perspective focus. The cult has some in my own family and some of my old friends deep in its vice. Convinced news and facts are conspiratorial lies compared to the parade of vile propaganda trafficking in mendacity the level of which warrants a constant rebuke, censure and correction both legislative and judicial. Horrid remarks and declarations bordering sociopathic sycophantic maladies go unreported, unpunished and unaccountable! There should be more podcasts, news shows and, outlets like “bellingcat” dedicated to calling out how some of these right-wing outlets spill ignorant baseless deceptions that corrode the sensibilities at the core of the beauty of America. The American dream has been distorted and raped of its goal-oriented decency by a disgusting torrent of lies and malfeasances propping up a global network of corruption even the surface of which is barely understood. The hopes of the handful of fore fathers who understood the true mission of our democratic experiment have been abandoned.
The so-called right-wing distortion machine must be stopped at all costs nonviolently and it can only be halted with a focus on corruption. Protests boycotts and attention must be the focus of every media and political producer to right that which is wrong and to iron out justice finding true liberty with actionable measures. Rooting out both legal and more so illegal corruption must be a new area of study and intent. New Rico statues applying to politicians and lobbyists should be enacted and all money must be removed from politics; an idea that can be surprisingly simple to implement given modern technology. There is no reason our government does not supply free digital and TV access to petitioned candidates. Town halls and ads should be facilitated by the government much like important news conferences are. Political money should also be banned from all social media outlets unless they are state sponsored. While this may sound Orwellian, in a true democracy all candidates and voices within a reasonable criteria and reasonable framework should have free access. The guidelines of which can and should always be ironed out legislatively much like Thomas Paine’s vision of how congress should have worked. Just like a courtroom throws out frivolous cases without merit or evidence; so too should social media outlets ban or at least label fact less rhetoric. Congress must also ban all political content from algorithms in Social media. In other words, political content of any sort should not pop up on feeds to enhance viewership. Unless the topic is searched it should not be offered in order to corral clicks! It is obscene that this is currently allowed. Politics in short must be divorced from all commerce or commercial activity. Free enterprise should not be an excuse for democratic distortion. We cannot allow our fellow citizens to be influenced by entertainment based corrosive political thought; in fact, how can political anchors who defended themselves in civil cases by admitting their shows were “entertainment” not be charged criminally? They should at the very least face new Rico fines if they continuously spread false information that is harmful.
Progressives, neo liberals and conservatives must come together to form not just an antifascist coalition as the great Cornel West loves to say, but an anticorruption manifesto that should be written up and followed to the letter. To any reading this finding distain in the term conservative; grow up! They are here to stay forever and most of the members of the cult that I know are smart kind people who have just had the wool pulled over their eyes and dug into their ears like electric magnets. As much as I disagree with conservatives; their Edmund Burke John Adams asses are always going to push the Calvinist tough love of hard work, aristocracy and, traditional values over reasoned pragmatism. Let them have their city on a hill of glimmering opulence and extravagance. We can take the fight to them after the fire is out. What’s more it should be made clear how “Trumpism” is in fact not even a political movement but just purely fanciful fact less based corruption; an understand very eloquently made clear by many republican conservative pundits like those at “the Lincoln Project”. Today tomorrow and for many more years to come we must all dedicate ourselves to wiping clean this era of illusion. This accommodating of alternate realities and fallacies that mine the ignorant and dare I say uneducated who lack the perspectivity to even discern what reputable sources and methods are must be purged at the root that feeds it; greed. It is not completely necessary to convince the people susceptible to the right-wing cult directly if and when our congress and media stomp out the nonsense; not once and for all but every time a sentence or action distorts historical norms. Even if corrupt motives cannot be established with direct evidence it should be the prerogative of the accuser to make the said culprit defend against any such indications. In other words when it comes to corruption, abusers should prove their means and motives are pure just like in certain European court rooms. Not like in American courts where you are innocent until proven guilty. A politician or government worker who is elected or hired to serve the people should be found guilty until proven innocent if and when substantial claims are evident against their motives! We simply cannot continue to have a nation of corporately sponsored laws! Why on earth are such motives legal?
Perhaps one of the greatest obstacles in the fight against corruption aside from laziness of course is the fear media outlets have in confronting them as even so-called left wingers complain about giving the culprits speaking time. A good example is The Beat with Ari Melber. Ari got so much flack for having Trumpers on his show that the approach felt limited at best, just teeing off talking points while dredging for sound bites when the origin and backdrops of what and why they defend corruption at all costs, methods and madness go unexamined. These schemes must be exposed completely and our laws must change to prevent all types of corruption like the plague worse than COVID-19 that it is. We can not white wash constitutional order and growth with walls and chains. 

There are many layers to the methods that should be implemented to defend democracy from this new tool of corruption and much like Mark Ruffalo’s Emmy winning performance in the recent HBO mini-series, “I Know This Much is True” it goes beyond our current means or reality. Ruffalo played a schizophrenic and his tormented twin brother in perhaps the year’s best performance finding meaning and purpose to every reaction, establishing substantive context way beyond the script. Even as the sane brother revealed how conflicted and confused he was, we knew at all times what he thought and felt; and of his brother Thomas we hold out hope even in the height of despair for what is divinely pure yet not of this world. We need leaders and producers with similar depth in their motives to help us get to where we need to be at every stage. God’s love springs eternal but don’t let the dream wander out in the cold to die. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

November Third and the Queen's Gambit


Just finished watching the Netflix mini series The Queen's Gambit and the lump in my throat is still tugging for tears, anchored forever in my heart as a special piece of art for the soul with a timeless inspiration; perhaps one that can carry us forth into a brave new world. The fictional story of a chess champion in the 1960’s is a writing and directorial masterpiece quelling together the subtleties of distraction to yield a powerful purposeful focus based on a novel of the same name by the late Walter Tevis.  

Magical glamorous Zen, such a shield for distorting enveloped emotions; and all we have to do is guard against bottling up outbursts, a lesson we see her learning in the end with such slow passionate grace. Desires on display with each pensive moment, like the main character Beth inhabiting a constant liminal or transitional space.

In a young girl’s face, we see such relatable meaning; vulnerable in isolation yet strong through a subtle intensity. While the main character as an adult, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, held strong and pierced well with eyes like a mirror, no one conveyed more with less than the extraordinary child Isla Johnston who played the young Beth Harmon. She has a natural gift that’s extremely rare. Something that can’t be taught, like the endless expressions of Meryl Streep or those of Mark Ruffalo who recently marveled in an HBO miniseries “I know this Much is True”. Ruffalo playing two tarnished souls brandishing conviction with cringes and stares. Their faces tell the story and define moments without words. In the Queen’s Gambit Isla was the lead runner who despite having only a supporting role handed the baton to Joy’s giant eyes with an enormous lead. For acting this is the space between good and genius; how they impart meaning naturally and organically without words yet in The Queen’s Gambit so too does the dialogue punctuate where we are; holding true to our values of justice and humanity. Like the great actor Matthew McConaughey’s words to graduates used in a current car commercial for Lincoln, “Eliminate who you are NOT first, and you'll find yourself where you need to be”. We know who Beth and her world is and we could hear our hearts there if we listen to the signs, so masterfully and painstakingly laid out by the writers and director Scott Frank, always finding some sound in the background or substantive dialogue to help us define the story not just of the genius player but of our connection to divinity. Even more extraordinary; it was a connection we could see but she could not until the end when her own vices were finally revealed from within. Not aided through religious guilt or hypocritic posturing but with tempered kindness and caring. She thought she needed tranquilizing pills to use God’s power to see beyond but it was only through her own clarity that she was able win; realizing what to do among all the possibilities naturally inherit. Chess is a true parity for life.

The series’ timing excels not just with symbolic gestures, but with bold statements, like a classic film about Jesus or another highlighting excess all while thrilling vulnerabilities wrecked with suspense, patterned over each shot with care, like a chess board imagined in shadows dancing on a ceiling. Fame and fortune were not important to her. What was important to her, and what she found she truly needed was to find how the task correlated to her identity; a truth she savored unknowingly, much like God. And as we wait for November third, America likewise holds its breath. Will the disillusioned lose their soul succumbing to the beasts of the southern wind and will the reluctant like Beth’s adopted mom pocketing 15 percent with an enabling smile similar to the neoliberals of today ignore the purist hopes or will we push forward and truly change; ridding ourselves of all the false dichotomies for a new age of reasoned progress and structural reforms that herald our real worth as a just free nation no longer subjugated by greed or vanity?  In the end Beth becomes a true champion because she walked without fear, embracing the common people who loved her for who she was, true to herself, unspoiled and untainted like the American Dream.  

Monday, July 6, 2020

Our 224th

For our 224th Independence Day our commander in chief delivered a scathing attack on what he dubbed cancel culture, naming a nonexistent left-wing fascism, he claims is designed to overthrow the American revolution and end America. “Make no mistake, this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution. In so doing, they would destroy the very civilization that rescued billions from poverty, disease, violence and hunger and that lifted humanity to new heights of achievement, discovery and progress," Trump continued. "To make this possible, they are determined to tear down every statue, symbol and memory of our national heritage.” I’m not sure how many incidents there have been of statues defaced or vandalized that weren’t confederate statues or Columbus’s, and much less were any of the non-confederate statues destroyed but, his attack seems to be a ploy for a silent minority of voters of racists a bit like Nixon’s southern courtship. But this isn’t 1968. Moscow Mitch also came out with an ad, similarly seeking to divide Americans, likewise pointing to a handful of deranged incidents as the new face of Democrats. No. Despite all the doom and gloom of the current republican party and the virus; what has happened in this nation recently has made 2020 one of the most American years ever in terms of change for good. We are finally moving to change and make laws that strive to realize the reality our fore fathers dreamed of and yet the president is outwardly and clearly fudging the comparison of attacking statues of confederates to that of our fore fathers. He will counter any argument by pointing to these incidents against statues of Jefferson or Washington despite his blatant defense of confederate statues, even going so far as to refuse to sign a bipartisan and vital defense bill if an amendment to rename 10 of our military bases named after confederate leaders isn’t removed. He does this instead of championing the American ideal, adopted by many counties in the world after having been pushed by a handful of founders against enormous odds and yet it is an ideal we have never fully applied in our own land. The ideal of a reasoned democracy that works for the betterment of citizens. This ideal that defines us through its aspirations can never be erased even if we cease to exist as a nation and today it is lost in a web of the exact opposites; revolving in a labyrinth of neglect feeding gluttonous greed, eating its own guts.
 The question of statues of slave owners is a delicate one considering the globes past of slave trade cultures but it is our duty as Americans to see the truth and justice needed as we make amends with our racist history. A more liberal approach always unifies as opposed to the divisive politics of obstruction. I would hope there are a few statues that shouldn’t be considered expendable due to their words and deeds like Grant’s, Washington’s, and Jefferson’s. It was very sad that there were incidents during which monuments to these men were attacked. If present at such desecrations I would actively work to prevent their harm as an American. The immense political pressure at the time prevented these men from staying true to their own words on freedom yet, they were part of the small circle who ushered in the greatest system of Government known to man where all men are created equal, knowing full well that its vision was far from a reality and needed work to perfect just as they needed work to be perfect. The difference is they knew this about themselves and lamented it. These men believed what they wrote and did would one day change how they lived. There is a great well of people that should likewise be honored with statues, especially that of so many African Americans and also Thomas Paine’s, whose statue congress appropriated during President W. Bush’s second term but never built; a somewhat ironic neglect just as we ignore the theme of his teachings. We have likewise failed to honor the men and women who have always worked toward our harmony because of the sacrificial leanings their intents and demands carried. To truly be a free American you must be tolerant and accommodating to all others.
I think for this period of the George Floyd sparked movement we should only focus on removing confederate statues from public view and veneration. Other decisions on statues should remain democratically voted for. The American stain of slavery haunts us from the moment we abandoned reconstruction to root out the real American fascism of white supremacy and southern aristocracy. This current generation gave way to a quasi-hysterical bubble of allegiance for politically motivated corporate business practice as a false comfort rooted in an erroneous dichotomy. It is certain that intelligent trump supporters believe in corporate corruption as a means for a greater good of ultra conservative judges and their opulence; not to mention outright racism but they should take comfort in knowing how Biden would fight to the death for their right to keep much more than they were allowed under Eisenhower whose marginal tax rate on the well to do was as high as 92%. Hate to repeat myself from other posts, but Biden still isn’t hammering away how trump increased middle class taxes and healthcare cost. Even his current 14-point national lead doesn’t sway me enough. He needs to define this gap between classes in this nation as a compromising and just one as he works to narrow it because that is at the heart of the American idea. One that was never written for a government to follow before July 1776.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Review: The History Channel's Grant - three part documentary series

The three-part Grant documentary series on the History channel was an eloquent pioneering effort thanks to its focus on the theme, the importance of Grant’s talents and substance of the era. The dramatic acting scenes were kept at a minimum for effect but I would have wanted more of them and more Grant quotes worked in. The most striking moment was the end of reconstruction highlighted with photos I wanted described more. While President Grant doesn’t get enough credit for wiping out Klan “structure” with the Ku Klux bill he stood by and allowed the end of restoration efforts and further federal arrests of supremacists, bowing to the political pressure of the time. There should have been more of Grant’s reaction to reconstruction and the rise of the southern democrats who are today’s trump supporters. This series, like today’s current events requires more in debt analysis of our nation’s western history; its gravitas of absurdities.
The neglect toward African American justice since this era should be the subject of more honest westerns and documentary series such as this and perhaps it should have been more central to the theme in The History Channel’s Grant but the effort to frame their ideas the way it was presented was a great success especially in humanizing Grant as a true national hero worthy of our 50 dollar bill. Reconstruction efforts lasted from December 8, 1863 to March 31, 1877. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

LURTFWSA & Green Book review

To my sweet Trump loving friends, it is so sad to see you so far gone. Ever think on a past missed opportunity in life as a heavy weight, a mistake that pulled you back somehow as a person? Slow and steady you can guide yourself to truth and a noble nature. In darkness there is always the gift of repentance’s light. Such humility is lacking in a society where militia protest armed in capitol buildings. In this awful month of March 2020, I finally got around to watching Green Book.  An epic film that embraces time and situation, defining both gentlemen linked to the underlining theme; what is my worth? And what is the worth of this nation that hasn’t taken all the bold steps needed to eliminate the virus not to mention the modern take on segregation? The ghettoizing of health care and the environment.
Green Book is a masterpiece on emotion and reasoned drama. Ultra-realism immersed in the art of being human, showing your weakness to another in slow steady confidence, seeing full well with respect and grand admiration at honest struggle. Its striking contrasting now as groups run amok protesting closures unprotected for a short-term gain that could lead to tripling the time in damage. One can easily see the similarities in dystopian anger toward an emergency that should only last a few months if proper testing contact tracing and health care PPE is provided. But this time its not just Black people, now its all you feeble as well as the so-called essential worker. Green Book’s segregation is today’s negligent unprotection, abandonment, even distain for those without means or practical clarity.
The thrill ride toward ultimate action embedded in Green Book’s story makes the film the rightful best picture over A Star is Born who denied us a proper ending of the last song and Bohemian Rhapsody, the more entertaining of the three in 2019 didn’t have the subtle timing throughout its story as was due. You ‘all gotta get out of TV land and embrace film framing. Let scenes breathe for art and love’s sake. Green Book could have been a lot better if the landscapes and sounds were more absorbed into the fabric of the theme, so rich and earnest.  
Coming out of a full-blown constitutional crisis, certain epiphanies appear in the social political atmosphere, one is the lack of focus and clarity in overall messaging. The media is not focusing on the need for all the steps to be taken during an emergency whatever the news is that needs to be questioned and answered repeatedly. What do we need now to save lives? What issue should and must be understood completely? What do we need to do now to save our democracy and our lives? Even king Cuomo dismisses the need for PPE, poo pooing the work of hospitals and senior homes that don’t reach out to him with their needs. This lacks the reasoned regulations required with full inspections of hospitals that should get fined if warranted. Congress throwing money to the states feels like the south won son. Do we need a Green Book guide of free test sites and a road map to inspector general scandals?
Like the Piano man played so eloquently and truthful by Mahershala, progressives have never stressed their most glaring asset, the rise of a powerful middle class especially facing rising health care and higher taxes because of the trump administration. Biden’s central message should be the amount of money the middle class will save. Biden must tout the amount of money his plans would save middle class families and, tax deductions that can not only return to where they were before trump but be added to generously. Environmental incentives, rent control, small business assistance, inclusionary zones and other tax breaks can also help his case. How ironic that democratic policies are described as tax increasing by republicans when they all are centered toward saving families money. Biden should say all families who make under say 200 thousand a year stand to save money? Lots of people like Mortenson’s character are going die in this fiasco response to healing the masses, blocking and, tackling the virus.
And even as Don Shirley and Tony went into the south for their own honor and sense of justice so to should we move forward as progressive democrats ready to implement all that is needed to bring contentment. Congress should open investigations for the sake of history, to at the very least have our objections written, and listed.   
Let us not also forget all those we have turned our backs to; immigrants, dissidents and rebel fighters like the Kurds and Syrians making our approach inhumane in the face of our capabilities. The need for diplomacy should always be the aspiration of any foreign policy but to allow unchecked criminal cruelty and violence against the oppressed is to negate the existence of any defense. Progressives likewise should embrace dissidents with a vow of support financially if not militarily.
Green Book teaches us, we must all repent for our honor and meaning in life as well as face our fears for justice. Even those that still support Trump can come to understand the blatant negligence to say the least. How many will die because of this mistake? Take a breath in and say enough is enough. Let us return to first world status again. LURTFWSA

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Trump and the Mandalorian 1/1/20

Wow Mando showed Scorsese pretty quick. Look ma its cinema and he’s a super hero. The timing, the realism, the thrill of the rhythmic action was unsurpassed in stylistic drama, frozen in the wrath of duty and substance. Behold. Here is the truth, the way. I have spoken! I was wrong to of ignored it; the absolute rebirth of my kind will begin now because I care for you! It is simply the best action series ever produced, lucky for us it also occurs during a constitutional crisis at the hands of both parties.
I admit I may have a bias to westerns having grown up wanting to be John Wayne. I may punch you to teach you a lesson because it’s a debt you have to pay to justice; our justice as human beings. There is my moral compass, I would gladly give you my other cheek and refrain from fighting you but when you hurt others, there I am reigniting “the way” from our true founding. Yet in real life; the fantasy of truth is lost when not summarily described. While the writers of fiction are within their right and even duty to keep things simple for the audience to understand and relate to, the halls of congress should be void of such vague complacency. The impeachment hearings of 2019 were an insult to our intelligence and moral standing; such obvious articles of impeachment, ignoring at least a dozen or so others. Perhaps the standard set by the impeachment of Clinton lowered the political bar to accepting a political showcase to persuade voters. Just like the Mandalorians, once an enemy of Jedis must have forgotten true honor yet now have a righteous champion taken to the brink of diplomatic standing. The empire holdouts want to take the child’s power or kill it because the truth takes work, in the midst of a corrupt order. Turning on corruption forces the collapse of the Mandalorians. Their race scattered for a pure saving grace; protecting the most powerful Jedi yet seen… a 50-year-old baby.
The current political state of my beloved United States of America is a travesty to Franklyn and Paine. Nothing less than the most articles of impeachment necessary to cover all the violations of the law must be pursued in order for us to have a just republic on paper. Narrowing the focus to two obvious summarizing charges, broadly encompassing obstruction of congress and abuse of power, is a lazy endeavor when at the very least a detailed summary of violations should be chronicled by congress. Though the details are pretty much laid out in commentary I’m sure it wouldn’t take too much effort to list all of Trumps infractions and likely illegal actions. One merely needs to study every day of the presidency picking out the news or occurrences as they happened or when they were found out. There is no need for endless debate and reasoning when the facts are outlined for us. The facts of his speech, his conduct, the accusations, and the Mueller report’s findings are plain to see. All possible impeachable actions must be written down and voted for or against in congress. Whether or not enough evidence is presented and or examined is for the representative or senator to decide for himself and the investigation should remain ongoing nonetheless. Congress is not a court room; it is the law. The way. For republicans to continue to ignore law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and government employees speaking out for justice is to ignore our definition as Americans. How dare the republicans’ debate and make the case that the president is allowed to take up justice (investigating through foreign governments) on his own without even the knowledge of intelligence agencies? It is treasonous insurrection to attack our law enforcement and intelligence officials or ignore their findings repeatedly for corrupt intent.
November’s impeachment hearings were an insult to our collective intelligence; because the idea that something so obvious needs to be laid bare is legislative redundancy and inadequacy. These hearings do on the other hand expose the callus mendacity and obfuscation of Republicans stooping so low as to nitpick such fundamental charges; the presumption of which further delays our understanding of the full account. The only way to undo and purge this nation from the lawless betrayals of the president is to clearly detail all the wrong doings and write new laws protecting us from similar offenses and indiscretions moving forward. The first of these new laws should allow for presidents to be indicted publicly and if there are no sealed indictments against this president then our law enforcement agencies have failed us. In deed only with seal indictments could true justice in retrospect be restored. Pundits on TV, relishing in how politically advantageous the decision for only these two articles is, are ironically living in an obtuse fantasy world. It’s scary to think that the democrats have made it so easy that a group of republican senators could turn on Trump and usher in 20 years of conservative policy through their leadership if they do; no doubt with flowery rhetoric calling out finer points that people could digest, while ignoring the work for truth and justice based on reason; a method laid out in Paine’s vision of how congress should have been. They step away from monumental opinions and basic needs that champion causes and efforts to form laws based on data. Let the debates and endless arguments be in service of detailed improvements moving forward not ulterior motives and petty crimes. List the charges and vote!
Congress needs to take the time to relate to the human condition and its sensibilities in the face of such monumental mendacity. Funny how this can compare to the nature of cinema Scorsese spoke of. The Mandalorian was cinematic from start to finish. Every moment was a detailed account of how the mains characters felt and the actions on screen gripping us with fact-based intensity. While some of the composition could have gone further in placing the action note how the end credits were over sketched storyboards. Epic thrill charted to iconic music expertly composed. The recent Star Wars film had several scenes that met this standard of sensibility but overall it went for the roller coaster ride, playing to short attention spans, cramming in vital character arcs and plots points yet; who would want to see a five hour film flushing out the subtly of the force and its phycological implications? I know I would. Lord of the Rings tried to embrace such accurate depictions of consequences in three parts but failed on physical levels, ignoring several sciences including cinematic timing; obscuring real time action for splashy takes and quick cuts. Every frame should paint a picture, and perhaps every moment on impeachment in congress should as well, abstaining from nonsensical lawyerly run around.
Somewhere along the line we’ve forgotten how sacred our laws are when even the president admits to crimes in public to deaden the effect of judicial exposure, Giuliani almost did as much while in Ukraine as if taunting the media, casting the first stone towards accepting foreign entanglements despite being at the core of our fore fathers concerns regarding the usurpation of power by the commander in chief. Patrick Henry in fact for this specific infraction called for an active militia to serve as an outlet for the people to use to guard against any such tyrannical rule that would hinder rights. Sound familiar? While we aren’t and probably never will be at such a stage of violence, ignoring the subject’s actions merely enables future culprits. Strong anti-corruption statues are what sets us apart as democratic republics.
The Mandalorian is so incredibly timely not only because of the brilliantly written cannon and expanded universe but because it’s something we all need now, desperately. A good time blowing off steam with talent, epic courage and masterful skill. A lone warrior inspires his people to rise up ethically, abandoning their history of corrupt militancy.  Where are our democrat leaders? Are they ignoring the trouncing the labor party just got in England? Not even trying to find some common ground while missing essential buzz words and phrases? You save more with single payer and you get to pick any doctor you want. Have you ever heard our New England Senators say those phrases? Why aren’t they being marketed? Also, Warren and Sanders should embrace a “private option” which likely would still exist even if their plans were enacted but they need to say it. They need to do some proper public relations and the DNC should focus more on protest than rallies. Demonstrations outside McConnell’s and Graham’s offices? The candidates and the DNC need to work with groups like “indivisible” and “BLM” targeting wrong doers urging them to change their approach toward important matters, especially impeachment. The time for the way is now. Who is our Mandalorian to lead the way?