For our 224th Independence Day our commander in chief delivered a scathing attack on what he dubbed cancel culture, naming a nonexistent left-wing fascism, he claims is designed to overthrow the American revolution and end America. “Make no mistake, this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution. In so doing, they would destroy the very civilization that rescued billions from poverty, disease, violence and hunger and that lifted humanity to new heights of achievement, discovery and progress," Trump continued. "To make this possible, they are determined to tear down every statue, symbol and memory of our national heritage.” I’m not sure how many incidents there have been of statues defaced or vandalized that weren’t confederate statues or Columbus’s, and much less were any of the non-confederate statues destroyed but, his attack seems to be a ploy for a silent minority of voters of racists a bit like Nixon’s southern courtship. But this isn’t 1968. Moscow Mitch also came out with an ad, similarly seeking to divide Americans, likewise pointing to a handful of deranged incidents as the new face of Democrats. No. Despite all the doom and gloom of the current republican party and the virus; what has happened in this nation recently has made 2020 one of the most American years ever in terms of change for good. We are finally moving to change and make laws that strive to realize the reality our fore fathers dreamed of and yet the president is outwardly and clearly fudging the comparison of attacking statues of confederates to that of our fore fathers. He will counter any argument by pointing to these incidents against statues of Jefferson or Washington despite his blatant defense of confederate statues, even going so far as to refuse to sign a bipartisan and vital defense bill if an amendment to rename 10 of our military bases named after confederate leaders isn’t removed. He does this instead of championing the American ideal, adopted by many counties in the world after having been pushed by a handful of founders against enormous odds and yet it is an ideal we have never fully applied in our own land. The ideal of a reasoned democracy that works for the betterment of citizens. This ideal that defines us through its aspirations can never be erased even if we cease to exist as a nation and today it is lost in a web of the exact opposites; revolving in a labyrinth of neglect feeding gluttonous greed, eating its own guts.
The question of statues of slave owners is a delicate one considering the globes past of slave trade cultures but it is our duty as Americans to see the truth and justice needed as we make amends with our racist history. A more liberal approach always unifies as opposed to the divisive politics of obstruction. I would hope there are a few statues that shouldn’t be considered expendable due to their words and deeds like Grant’s, Washington’s, and Jefferson’s. It was very sad that there were incidents during which monuments to these men were attacked. If present at such desecrations I would actively work to prevent their harm as an American. The immense political pressure at the time prevented these men from staying true to their own words on freedom yet, they were part of the small circle who ushered in the greatest system of Government known to man where all men are created equal, knowing full well that its vision was far from a reality and needed work to perfect just as they needed work to be perfect. The difference is they knew this about themselves and lamented it. These men believed what they wrote and did would one day change how they lived. There is a great well of people that should likewise be honored with statues, especially that of so many African Americans and also Thomas Paine’s, whose statue congress appropriated during President W. Bush’s second term but never built; a somewhat ironic neglect just as we ignore the theme of his teachings. We have likewise failed to honor the men and women who have always worked toward our harmony because of the sacrificial leanings their intents and demands carried. To truly be a free American you must be tolerant and accommodating to all others.
I think for this period of the George Floyd sparked movement we should only focus on removing confederate statues from public view and veneration. Other decisions on statues should remain democratically voted for. The American stain of slavery haunts us from the moment we abandoned reconstruction to root out the real American fascism of white supremacy and southern aristocracy. This current generation gave way to a quasi-hysterical bubble of allegiance for politically motivated corporate business practice as a false comfort rooted in an erroneous dichotomy. It is certain that intelligent trump supporters believe in corporate corruption as a means for a greater good of ultra conservative judges and their opulence; not to mention outright racism but they should take comfort in knowing how Biden would fight to the death for their right to keep much more than they were allowed under Eisenhower whose marginal tax rate on the well to do was as high as 92%. Hate to repeat myself from other posts, but Biden still isn’t hammering away how trump increased middle class taxes and healthcare cost. Even his current 14-point national lead doesn’t sway me enough. He needs to define this gap between classes in this nation as a compromising and just one as he works to narrow it because that is at the heart of the American idea. One that was never written for a government to follow before July 1776.