Tuesday, January 13, 2009

madoff & those fuel company commercials

Congratulations fellow citizens of these United States of America, a new era of fair governance is upon us. What has been mute even during the Democratic primaries is the right of affordable housing. Let us plead with President Obama to implement not only inclusionary zones on all new housing but to establish rent reduction and controls for a portion of existing residents based on income. So should the new administration help relieve the populace of its debt with a broad sweep to invigorate the economy! Congressman and finance committee chairman Barney Frank has mentioned including some affordable housing mandates on the federal bailout funds voted on but his efforts seem so far not enough so it is up to us to plead with our lawmakers to demand affordable housing and debt relief for the citizenry. Let us never forget that it was the American people that demanded a Bill of Rights be added to our constitution. Perhaps it is time these rights be expanded as a defense against the greed inherent with the power of modern commerce and communications as wealth becomes more virtual and depersonalized.
The government should also mandate all new construction to be energy independent as part of a massive zero carbon emission standards law. Such a law should require all new vehicle or structure construction to be energy independent and completely fossil fuel and or carbon emissions free. To believe that this is impossible is to cater to the strangle hold of oil companies. Let them also be mandated to eliminate carbon emissions. The technology is self evident, it’s not rocket science it’s just a matter of implementation. Let us not be fooled into eroding the globe’s ice caps.

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