Thursday, August 2, 2012


What Obama needs to do to win in November basically is convince independent voters that he will cut the deficit and spending. The majority of marginally independent voters who currently plan on voting for Romney erroneously blame President Obama for our massive deficit in fact spurred by Bush Tax cuts, Iraq, Afghanistan and the crash of 2008. The president must relentlessly promote the fact that he has cut spending and pushed for a 4 trillion dollar cut in the deficit that the republicans voted against. I envision a commercial with sound from the president during that speech during which he proposed these cuts followed by quotes from Romney threatening more war and tax cuts for the wealthy. Obama commercials should feature clips of democrats angry at the president for his cuts in spending and his attempts to cut more. This is really the only issue Romney has to combat the president. Let’s hope if Obama does manage to win he will move to the left and get to the business of regulating Wall Street and the banks; not to mention reversing the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United position with some legislation and oh yeah that little thing called fossil fuels that are destroying our planet. Any attempts Romney makes to paint Obama as being anti-business should be met with his efforts to cut taxes for small business while laying out what more the government can do to help small businesses and manufacturing as well as infrastructure spending. When asked about spending he must first tout his spending cuts, then immediately go into the type of government spending he wants that Romney is not willing to commit to. While the president should focus on what Romney won’t do and will do in office that will hurt America, the Democratic PAC’s meanwhile must unleash hard attacks against his personal income taxes, or lack thereof, his foreign accounts and Bain, Bain, and more Bain including outsourcing, and Bain’s involvement in medical waste catering to abortion clinics. The sole task must be to pin point independents, discourage some moderate conservatives, and increase voter turnout among the youth, blacks, and the democratic base. For the latter Obama should come clean and point out his mistakes while committing to rectifying them. Here he can omit specifics that could hurt him with independents something the president and his image specific handlers have failed to do. Obama needs to address the occupy movement and plead with them to turn their movement toward him to motivate the base. The president must say, I have heard you, I will listen, and together we will work to end the corruption. To alienate this group is to alienate the youth vote and discourage turn out.  Romney has said he would regulate credit derivatives. Obama can not let Romney get that upper hand in. That’s Romney’s only salvo, that in his mind wins him the trust of intelligent conservatives, who realize we’re heading over a cliff in a hand basket. Obama needs to point out how Romney doesn’t even know where the reigns are because he doesn’t care. He needs to paint Romney as an egomaniac thrusting for fame and power. An elitist that sees himself hanging in a White House portrait as the savior of excess, a champion for the upper class; an image the extreme right pundits can embrace, to the detriment of less independent voices. The voices Obama desperately needs.

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