Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3 Billboards, Water and the Parkland Paine Revolution

Vibrant acts of violence for a cause made up of mostly psychological reasons sets up 3 Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri as a modern parity of American government. Trump’s reckless actions like those acted flawlessly by Frances McDormand and Samuel Rockwell sit unrealistically unaccountable. Hollywood’s obsession with character driven narratives revealing relations once again more important than the themes in the end serves to suggest even violent actions in themselves don’t mean as much as the journey, the psyches involved relying on heroes or elitists to save the day and in the end repent while their actions prove valiant enough to deserve respect, or even our acknowledgement of an alternate reality as was seen as well in Oscar front runner the Shape of Water. The new sheriff in 3 billboards, saying the rapist isn’t our problem anymore, is a perfect metaphor for our time much like the number 3 at the D.O.J., stepping down to work at Walmart like what America and great movies come to aspire to? Magical classic solutions that solve nothing and fail to bring forth structural change. The consequences of actions and words no longer meriting justice? Do we stand off the docks of Dunkirk for the French or do we take our last stance as a symbolic gesture void of practicality? Director, Martin McDonagh, denies us any result, while Del Toro gives up for an impossible one. Let the acting tell the story.
     With enough public evidence to impeach trump thrown on the floor like a suicidal joke, our rule of laws at the whim of political agendas and the money it stokes, cruel humor without consequence, sacrifices realism and theme for selfish effects; mostly stalling and showcasing great character performances. Movies like Dunkirk, by far a superior film and Mad Max, a film whose action and acting meant more than dotting the eyes of matching personalities, substance lies in righting wrongs through concrete steps. In Dunkirk the heroes were based in logical parameters, not angst filled dread or whimsical experience. Thomas Paine’s greatest value as a writer was in many ways what’s lacking in films like theses and our government; the accountability of reasoning toward justice changing laws, beyond pathetic displays of distortion that obfuscate reality in favor of desperate acts and shock value. 

A Thomas Paineian revolution has begun in Parkland Florida, when reason targeting legislation meets “sit ins” at capitols we have the beginning of structural changes for the rule of law and democracy. The elitist structure that came from the American Revolution used white supremacy as a stain and now comes the time to redefine normalcy and even the definition of obscene because all who love democracy should be offended by the lawlessness in government both in its shill complicities and neglect. Where is the minority report pointing out the list of times legislation and policy changes we all want were ignored or banned from voting on?
During the women’s march anniversary all the enormous rallies across the nation were beautiful and inspiring not to mention some of the vulgar signs but they were almost all at the wrong place and failing to focus on any legislation.
Evidence is pointing toward the opinion President Trump and members of his administration have colluded with Russians who at the time were tampering with our election. The obvious obstruction of justice and open corruption aside, the shocking complicity among Republicans who do not faithfully investigate and try to solve the problem of Russian led cyber tampering should be and must be given our full attention.
If the special counsel’s head Robert Mueller is removed a Democratic minority report must be immediately filed and congress should do whatever possible to impeach the president. All other issues, even the government shutdown due to the DACA flip flop pales in comparison as a distraction, one among our president’s daily similar attempts to divert us. Dare I say even issues like infidelity with the possibility of blackmail and similar sex crimes likewise serve as a diversion from an issue whose nature redefines our rule of law changing our classification but not our identity? The absurdity of this reality has wrung our media into a fatigued haze. To not be redundant in its approach, hammering out the details of the mounting evidence, is silent complicity.  When Mueller’s report is finalized and presented to congress; Americans at the very least should demand a vote on impeachment.
No one will ever change what America is about. It was created by Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklyn and other founding fathers we celebrate on Presidents ’ Day to be a place of law ruled by freedom and justice.
In the Paine vision of America there are no lobbyists, no unjust wars, and no lawless corruption destroying our environments. This nation was created to continuously strive to improve the human condition based on the reasonable needs of the people. All the other countries at the time sought to determine how political elites decided rights. Regulations to protect people from greed are essential to stop the continued laziness of wasteful governing. The electoral process should be free online, every government facility catering to petitioned candidates live and on TV.
The worst impact of Donald Trump is the effect on his supporters, as his mindless simpleton rhetoric eats away at their souls pushing them to forget our true values; to honor each person with a chance to work as well as live free from corruption and neglect.
May the revolution also never forget how our markets and commerce are a distortion of proper capitalism that welcomes refugees and immigrants into a beacon of diversity! A nation that fights for the rights of all is indivisible yet also currently an invisible one; far from what Trump supporters believe is the vision of the cons regurgitated in alternate realities. What Trump and his like seek is not America, a hogwash of elites having their way in all manner of exploitations, manipulations, and siphoning of wealth.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

partita 3 prelude

What gives us stride
The greatness we grasp at
Reaching with all our might
Belittling errors
Yet slightly holding back to feel
Such beauty there
Even masters fail to free
stretching to bring forth all 
Sound like a cap 
Our soul spilling depth
A never-ending gaze
Far from the vain fruit of gold
Held back at the magic note
 So few can hear ...

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Let flow in earnest still...

U feel u think,
is good, hard?
Knowing flesh and want
Growing pains amongst do will
of shadows dawn
As rights to hammer shill 
Gnashing labels boil
so solace undone
what cruel truth warped sick
But onwards lives the soul
in awe
Where freedom lies in wait
and songs forever on
When wind and rains' a power dull consumed
Like blood, clear peace
In grace divine
Not magic nor illusion
To think to feel
An air of love
the strength home
welcoming dear
U see u hear,
Oh God everywhere,
Let flow in earnest still...