Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Falcon and the Winter Soldier season one: REVIEW


Falcon and the Winter Soldier season one’s writing is one of best ever in the super hero genre especially in tune with what’s going on divisively in the United States. The theme culminating in bureaucratic nuance brought me back to a quote from Michelle Obama who said in 2018, “the world’s most powerful people ‘aren’t that smart”. The script’s tackling of race and what our segregationist history was capable of hits at a core of reconciliation this nation needs as we face a wide range of misguided extremists. Though not touched upon directly in the series, a clear comparison can be made with today’s Trumpian Sarah Panilish alternate reality fooling too many of our people; a different version of which has historically crept into our system of justice. Although a flawed policeman in the rise of character U.S. Agent played adeptly by Wyatt Russell, seen in the photo above disgracing America, taints his honor much like the small group of police officers who continue to go unchecked in some cases. Falcon’s speech played by Anthony Mackie at the end was an epic heart felt patriotic act of bravery and a ready evident antidote for what most ails us. A hero daring us to reach out and help people, letting their actions speak on the ground. “Make the call, send the email”, such simplistic dialogue captures the essence of substance masterfully.  
The action was a bit unrealistic on some levels falling to a common plot line mistake when heroes are isolated, despite dozens or even hundreds of agents that would be there to help; unlike this past January on Capitol Hill which caused five people to die because of corrupt motivated deception and outright mendacity being BROADCAST to people in their homes by people in suits. Who will stand up on broadcast tv and call them out? No ones reporting what they say that deceives Americans enough; one exception being the recent Arizona false flag vote “counting” by so called “cyber ninjas”; the result of which has not yet been seen but with a potential to subvert democracy even as other contests won by republicans like in Kentucky continue to go unaudited regardless of the top federal cybersecurity official who resigned Christopher Krebs’s unexamined assertions that paper trails existed. 
Will the real Captain America please stand up? Here’s hoping Captain Marvel also comes back strong making use of her cosmic power with brains brawn and words and, while we’re at it can Mandalorian Director Jon Favreau be involved in everything.