Thursday, January 31, 2013

The New Revolution

With regard to politics there is absolutely nothing more important than the struggle to remove legal corruption out of our government. Every progressive and libertarian group in the nation should unite and combine all of its efforts into a campaign to force our government to legislate structural changes in not only campaign finance but for a fundamental end to our whole lobby centrist functionality. The driving force and viability for this desperately needed new revolution is social media and the internet. There is absolutely no reason we cannot make our democratic process a free open and interactive institution using the internet and social media outlets as well as outreach efforts.
The gluttonous corporate lobbyists created and are funding the Tea Party and the new right wing fringe that has distorted our political system to the point of ineptitude.  
There needs to be a new revolution in democracy whereby the government provides and or supports community forums at local to federal levels during which a percentage of those attending can vote or petition for certain candidates to get on a ballot. The same can be repeated for county, regional, state, party, and even for independent federal offices including for the presidency. Forums can be completely interactive to allow people to speak and participate in person, via phone or, through the internet. The possibilities are endless but the idea is to provide an opportunity for people wanting to run for any office to be given that chance without having to raise any funds. Every American Citizen should be given a chance to speak at these forums to plead their case for said office. After the candidates  are selected by a “percentage of attendees” they should then be subjected to more forums whereby citizens can ask them questions in person or on certain websites linked via individual city, town or, municipal, state and or federal sites. Perhaps these sites can eventually grant approved candidates (approved by percentage of attendees) access to certain blogs where they can enter information on issues.  Once candidates are voted on the finalists can then debate via the same process.
I can envision a day where a person or a surrogate stands in line overnight in order to be placed on a first come first speak list. A moderator would control the amount of time the would be candidates would speak all while being live streamed on the internet and or a local TV Stations. This all sounds like real democracy to me. There is no reason for money to be needed to advance democratically elected politicians if the government where to ban all campaigning that does not involve government funded assets such as websites blogs TV and radio stations. As long as these government funded assets and access points are made readily available to all free of charge as completely interactive and democratic outlets the monstrous corruptive nature of our political process can be eliminated.
To borrow from Ronald Reagan’s famous quote with a new twist, lobbying and special interests groups are not the solution to the problem; lobbying and special interests groups are the problem.

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